Introduction of Major Job

We create new value with the best expertise.

Business Developmentㆍ Investment

The business development/investment job develops businesses that can show synergy with HL Holdings' existing businesses, plans new business ideas and business models for HL Holdings' organic growth, and makes substantial investments in promising startups.

Business Developmentㆍ Investment 이미지
Job details introduction

Development of New Business

Based on our understanding of various industries and market trends,
we develop/promote new businesses through new business model planning and target market entry strategies.

Investment in New Business

Based on an analysis of promising investment industries (markets), we discover and select investment targets (startups, etc.) and establish various strategies for investment execution and maximization of investment returns.

Development of New Business and Service

We continue to develop new products and services through planning and market launch of new products or services linked to existing businesses (AM, supplies, logistics, refrigeration, etc.).

“Curiosity about the world and learning ability for core knowledge in various business/technical fields are required.”

Business Development ㆍInvestmentBaek Jung-Bum Pro Member Interview화살표 이미지
Baek Jung-Bum Pro